Wednesday, October 6, 2010
New Teas to Warm Your Body for Fall
As the season changes and the night air becomes crisp and the bones get chilled. I need something to warm my body and soul. So, into the kitchen witch mode I go to see what I can throw in my cauldron that will work. I am please with the results and hope you will be, too.
Gypsy blends of bountiful berries are beautifully blended in this naturally nutritious herbal tea the color of blood! Just in time for Samhain rituals. Currants, elderberries, and cranberries come together in a medley of red fruits that provides spectacular sweetness while filling the cup with vitamins and minerals. Rosehips and hibiscus also add their unique aromas to the mix, bringing still more natural goodness. Coupled with red rooibos. Samhain Brew presents a blood red cup that is sweet and fragrant for rituals on the most celebrated night of the year!
Ingredients- Hibiscus, currant fruit, rosehips, elderberries, cranberries, rooibos, and natural and artificial flavoring.
Gypsy Jahva embodies the sensual character of roasted herbs, with its rich, dark, and stimulating brew. Slowly dried and cooked, roasted dandelion root and chicory root are Gypsy substitutes for coffee, with their smooth full flavour. Both herbs also possess the added benefit of cleansing and detoxifying the liver. Crystal and chocolate barley malt introduce a nutty finish to this enjoyable beverage! The tea drinker’s coffee.
Ingredients- Roasted dandelion root, roasted chicory root, crystal malt, chocolate barley malt.
Kashmir Tisane is a Gypsy Blessing blend of dried fruits and flowers that lets the sun shine on you face. Lightly dusted cinnamon chips are carefully blended with whole marigold petals to mix warm sweetness with floral healing. The Gypsy Magic for the blend is a potpourri. This blend is colorful and will fill your home, office or car with the fragrance of the Turkish Market. Just place in small dishes and let the fragrance take you on an exotic journey.
Ingredients: Marigold petals, cinnamon chips, diced apricot pieces and apricot essences. Caffeine Free!
Cyder Chao is Gypsy magic as it fills the room with the smell of fall. Apple cinnamon starts with silky red rooibos, a tea high in antioxidants and beneficial alpha hydroxy acids. Add pieces of real apple, calendula petals, and a dash of cinnamon to create a tea that is mouth watering, warming and festive. This chao is naturally sweet. This Chao is too good to be good for you! The Gypsy magic for this tea is place in a muslin bag as air freshener or place in small bowls as a pretty potpourri.
Ingredients-Cinnamon, apple fruit pieces, rooibos, calendula (marigold) petals, natural and artificial flavoring.
TO ORDER TEA GO TO If ordering tea not yet on the menu, order any tea and put the requested tea in the comment section.
Gypsy blends of bountiful berries are beautifully blended in this naturally nutritious herbal tea the color of blood! Just in time for Samhain rituals. Currants, elderberries, and cranberries come together in a medley of red fruits that provides spectacular sweetness while filling the cup with vitamins and minerals. Rosehips and hibiscus also add their unique aromas to the mix, bringing still more natural goodness. Coupled with red rooibos. Samhain Brew presents a blood red cup that is sweet and fragrant for rituals on the most celebrated night of the year!
Ingredients- Hibiscus, currant fruit, rosehips, elderberries, cranberries, rooibos, and natural and artificial flavoring.
Gypsy Jahva embodies the sensual character of roasted herbs, with its rich, dark, and stimulating brew. Slowly dried and cooked, roasted dandelion root and chicory root are Gypsy substitutes for coffee, with their smooth full flavour. Both herbs also possess the added benefit of cleansing and detoxifying the liver. Crystal and chocolate barley malt introduce a nutty finish to this enjoyable beverage! The tea drinker’s coffee.
Ingredients- Roasted dandelion root, roasted chicory root, crystal malt, chocolate barley malt.
Kashmir Tisane is a Gypsy Blessing blend of dried fruits and flowers that lets the sun shine on you face. Lightly dusted cinnamon chips are carefully blended with whole marigold petals to mix warm sweetness with floral healing. The Gypsy Magic for the blend is a potpourri. This blend is colorful and will fill your home, office or car with the fragrance of the Turkish Market. Just place in small dishes and let the fragrance take you on an exotic journey.
Ingredients: Marigold petals, cinnamon chips, diced apricot pieces and apricot essences. Caffeine Free!
Cyder Chao is Gypsy magic as it fills the room with the smell of fall. Apple cinnamon starts with silky red rooibos, a tea high in antioxidants and beneficial alpha hydroxy acids. Add pieces of real apple, calendula petals, and a dash of cinnamon to create a tea that is mouth watering, warming and festive. This chao is naturally sweet. This Chao is too good to be good for you! The Gypsy magic for this tea is place in a muslin bag as air freshener or place in small bowls as a pretty potpourri.
Ingredients-Cinnamon, apple fruit pieces, rooibos, calendula (marigold) petals, natural and artificial flavoring.
TO ORDER TEA GO TO If ordering tea not yet on the menu, order any tea and put the requested tea in the comment section.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Kooshti Sante is Gypsy Blessing for Good Health! If you don't have your health, you don't have anything. This special brew is a great delicious and refreshing blend healthy healing herbs. It is delicious hot or cold. Just add lemon or orange slices for a great beverage for you next dinner or party!
We encourage you to try our healthy beverages and experience the benefits first hand.
Ingredients: Red flowering tropical organic hibiscus plant, organic Rosehips, organic Lemongrass, organic orange peel, organic spearmint, organic Pink Roses, and a little pinch of organic Stevia.
The information presented herein by ZAHARA'S GYPSY TEA is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.
Here is some of my research on the benfits of this healthy herbs:
Hibiscus has been document to work as effectively as some medication when consumed regularly over 3 months time. Studies have shown hibiscus tea to be beneficial in lowering blood pressure and may control cholesterol. One study was done using adults with pre-hypertension or mild hypertension. Those who had three cups of hibiscus tea a day had better results than those who didn't (a 7.2 point drop in systolic blood pressure compared to 1.3 points). Those who had the highest blood pressure reading at the start of the study, showed the greatest results
Hibiscus is good for weight loss. Hibiscus tea contains an enzyme inhibitor which blocks the production of amylase. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down complex sugars and starches. Drinking a cup of hibiscus tea after meals will reduce the absorption of dietary carbohydrates and will assist in weight loss.
Hibiscus is a power immune system booster. Hibiscus tea is rich in vitamin C and makes a wonderful herbal remedy to fight off colds and infections by strengthening the immune system. Some research state it is effective for cancer.
Other benefits of hibiscus tea include preventing bladder infections and
Lemon grass is a perennial plant that is native to India and Nepal; it has a light, lemony scent and flavor, with a hint of ginger. Lemon grass is one of the wondrous herbs; it is very useful as medicinal plant and a delicious food flavoring. It is widely used in Native American Ceremonies and healing remedies. It is best known for it's relaxing and mood lifting qualities.
In a study that was conducted it has shown that every 100g of edible lemon grass, when boiled can contain up to 24.205 micrograms of beta-carotene the powerful anti-oxidant that scientist believe can help prevent cancer. In another study it has shown that lemon grass oil has the potential as topical eye medication against keratomycosis, an inflammation of cornea often associated with burning or blurring of vision. Researchers note that lemongrass oil's antioxidant qualities and ability to inhibit the enzyme that promotes the grow of cancer cells are promising.
Lemongrass contains an antibacterial and antifungal properties. It helps to detoxify the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder and the digestive tract. It helps reduce uric acid, cholesterol, excess fats. Lemongrass helps alleviates indigestion and gastroenteritis. For skin care it improve the skin by reducing acne and pimples
It's reported to help tone the muscle and tissues.
Rose hips are the delicious edible and nutritious fruit of the rose plant, the smooth skin of the hip is first green, then turns shades of orange and when fully ripe, a deep red but might be dark purple to black in some species.
Vitamin Content: Rose hips are rich in Vitamin C (about 1700-2000 mg per 100g in the dried form) A, D and E and flavonoids. It also contains essential fatty acids which are involved in tissue regeneration and retinoic acid, responsible for skin rejuvenation and quickens the healing of skin damage.
Rose hips are a great food to add to your diet. Use regularly as food supplement (about 6-8 fresh hips taken daily), rose hip will help prevent and cure ailments such as: rheumatoid arthritis, urinary bladder infections, constipation, chronic diarrhea, gastritis, dizziness, infertility and to regulate kidney function. Rose hip tea is also rich in iron that is why women drink rose hip tea during their menstrual period, to replace the blood during menstruation. Rose hip tea, taken following a course of antibiotic therapy, will help re-establish the beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. Because the natural balance of the intestinal flora may be disrupted or destroyed by the action of antibiotic drugs. Rose hip tea can also soothe the nervous system and relieve exhaustion from Adrenal Fatigue.
Orange Peel is a digestive aid. It is used for abdominal bloating, nausea and poor appetite. Orange peel moves stagnant energy and helps the digestion. Also used as an expectorant for Arguably, the most important flavanone in oranges, herperidin has been shown to lower high blood pressure as well as cholesterol, and to have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Importantly, most of this phytonutrient is found in the peel and inner white pulp of the orange.
A class of compounds found in citrus fruit peels called polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs) have the potential to lower cholesterol more effectively than some prescription drugs, and without side effects. Using orange peel to flavor tea, salads, salad dressings, yogurt, soups, or hot oatmeal, buckwheat or rice every day may be a practical way of achieving some cholesterol-lowering benefits.
Studies show that carbohydrates in orange peel have health-promoting effects. One of them, pectin, has probiotic properties. Probiotics are nondigestible foods or nutrients that increase growth of beneficial, probiotic bacteria in the large intestine, where they stimulate health and help curb foodborne pathogens.
The ancient Greeks and Romans believed roses symbolized Aphrodite and Venus, the goddesses of love; the aromatic oil was used to anoint British monarchs at their coronations; and the Catholic rosary was named for the rose hips once used to count prayers.
Though a considerable amount of rose petals are processed into oil and water, petals that are left to dry can be crushed and brewed as a tea. Rose petal tea may soothe mild sore throats and open blocked bronchial tubes, making it especially useful for treating colds and flu. It is also thought to have a cooling effect on the body and reduce fevers along with associated rashes. A mild diuretic, rose petal tea is often recommended as a digestive tonic and thought to restore balance in the gut.
Rose blooms are so spectacular that we may feel a certain sadness when they fade. No need for melancholy: the passing of the flower gives rise to rose hips. These berry-like fruits are packed with Vitamin C—a higher concentration than any citrus fruit—and antioxidant flavonoids known to defend against cancer and cardiovascular disease. With a tart, cranberry-like flavor, rose hips can be made into jams and jellies, crushed into tea, ground into medicinal powder or reduced to an essential oil.
Studies of patients suffering from osteoarthritis show that consuming rose hip powder reduces inflammation and eases stiffness and pain in the joints. As a tea, rose hips have similar benefits as rose petals, including relief for colds and flu, digestive distress and urinary tract infections. As an oil, rose hips promote tissue growth and collagen production, making them especially effective to treat burns and eczema as well as mature, aging skin.
Greek and Roman homemakers added mint to milk to prevent spoilage and the naturalists and physicians of the time recommended it for a wide range of ailments from hiccups to leprosy. In the ancient far east it was used as a tonic for digestion as well as a treatmentfor colds and fevers. The middle ages saw the usual strange recommendations being applied to the plant including as being used to help against the "biting of a mad dog". When colonists arrived in America they found Indians using their native mints as a curative against chest congestion and pneumonia, the new arrival of settlers brought the Old World mints with them and the plants went wild.
Have you ever had an after dinner mint, of course its a common tradition, but did you know that it actually reflects the ancient custom of feasts concluding with a sprig of mint which acts as a stomach soother and an aid to digestion. This property was first used in ancient Egypt and from there it spread to Palestine where it was considered so useful that it was an accepted item to use as a tax payment. Jesus even scolds the Pharisees in Luke (11:39) "you pay tithes of mint and rue...but have no care for justice and the love of God." From the Holy Land, mint spread to Greece where its modern name was formed. Pluto, god of the dead, fell in love with the nymph Minthe. Plutos wife, Persephone, in a fit of jealousy turned her into a plant and her lover god gave her a fragrant aroma. Minthe evolved into Mentha and the name remained in its latin label and as the basis of the word Menthol.
Today mint is used in a number of areas. Its age old reputation of a digestive aid is borne out by modern research, the Menthol contained within soothes stomach lining and digestive tract as well as preventing stomach ulcers. Its anaesthetic qualities are used in many modern skin creams, a property that the Eclectics of the late 19th century were only too well aware. If you associate mint with only one thing it is as a decongestant, it is used in nasal relief and as a vapour rub, and is approved by the major medical organisations. Lesser known properties include its ability to kill bacteria and aid in the healing of wounds and abrasions, as well as peppermint in particular being an aid to promote menstruation.
Stevia is a type of plant that has very sweet leaves. These leaves have been used to sweeten drinks and as a sugar substitute in Central and South America (as well as Texas, Arizona and New Mexico). For centuries, tribes in Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia have used stevia leaves to sweeten teas and traditional medicines. Stevia extract can be 300 times sweeter than sugar (compared to Splenda, which is 600 times sweeter than sugar). The more compelling thing (potentially) about stevia is that it does not impact blood sugar levels. In other words, it is a very low-calorie sweetener and may be advantageous to diabetics.
We encourage you to try our healthy beverages and experience the benefits first hand.
Ingredients: Red flowering tropical organic hibiscus plant, organic Rosehips, organic Lemongrass, organic orange peel, organic spearmint, organic Pink Roses, and a little pinch of organic Stevia.
The information presented herein by ZAHARA'S GYPSY TEA is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.
Here is some of my research on the benfits of this healthy herbs:
Hibiscus has been document to work as effectively as some medication when consumed regularly over 3 months time. Studies have shown hibiscus tea to be beneficial in lowering blood pressure and may control cholesterol. One study was done using adults with pre-hypertension or mild hypertension. Those who had three cups of hibiscus tea a day had better results than those who didn't (a 7.2 point drop in systolic blood pressure compared to 1.3 points). Those who had the highest blood pressure reading at the start of the study, showed the greatest results
Hibiscus is good for weight loss. Hibiscus tea contains an enzyme inhibitor which blocks the production of amylase. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down complex sugars and starches. Drinking a cup of hibiscus tea after meals will reduce the absorption of dietary carbohydrates and will assist in weight loss.
Hibiscus is a power immune system booster. Hibiscus tea is rich in vitamin C and makes a wonderful herbal remedy to fight off colds and infections by strengthening the immune system. Some research state it is effective for cancer.
Other benefits of hibiscus tea include preventing bladder infections and
Lemon grass is a perennial plant that is native to India and Nepal; it has a light, lemony scent and flavor, with a hint of ginger. Lemon grass is one of the wondrous herbs; it is very useful as medicinal plant and a delicious food flavoring. It is widely used in Native American Ceremonies and healing remedies. It is best known for it's relaxing and mood lifting qualities.
In a study that was conducted it has shown that every 100g of edible lemon grass, when boiled can contain up to 24.205 micrograms of beta-carotene the powerful anti-oxidant that scientist believe can help prevent cancer. In another study it has shown that lemon grass oil has the potential as topical eye medication against keratomycosis, an inflammation of cornea often associated with burning or blurring of vision. Researchers note that lemongrass oil's antioxidant qualities and ability to inhibit the enzyme that promotes the grow of cancer cells are promising.
Lemongrass contains an antibacterial and antifungal properties. It helps to detoxify the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder and the digestive tract. It helps reduce uric acid, cholesterol, excess fats. Lemongrass helps alleviates indigestion and gastroenteritis. For skin care it improve the skin by reducing acne and pimples
It's reported to help tone the muscle and tissues.
Rose hips are the delicious edible and nutritious fruit of the rose plant, the smooth skin of the hip is first green, then turns shades of orange and when fully ripe, a deep red but might be dark purple to black in some species.
Vitamin Content: Rose hips are rich in Vitamin C (about 1700-2000 mg per 100g in the dried form) A, D and E and flavonoids. It also contains essential fatty acids which are involved in tissue regeneration and retinoic acid, responsible for skin rejuvenation and quickens the healing of skin damage.
Rose hips are a great food to add to your diet. Use regularly as food supplement (about 6-8 fresh hips taken daily), rose hip will help prevent and cure ailments such as: rheumatoid arthritis, urinary bladder infections, constipation, chronic diarrhea, gastritis, dizziness, infertility and to regulate kidney function. Rose hip tea is also rich in iron that is why women drink rose hip tea during their menstrual period, to replace the blood during menstruation. Rose hip tea, taken following a course of antibiotic therapy, will help re-establish the beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. Because the natural balance of the intestinal flora may be disrupted or destroyed by the action of antibiotic drugs. Rose hip tea can also soothe the nervous system and relieve exhaustion from Adrenal Fatigue.
Orange Peel is a digestive aid. It is used for abdominal bloating, nausea and poor appetite. Orange peel moves stagnant energy and helps the digestion. Also used as an expectorant for Arguably, the most important flavanone in oranges, herperidin has been shown to lower high blood pressure as well as cholesterol, and to have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Importantly, most of this phytonutrient is found in the peel and inner white pulp of the orange.
A class of compounds found in citrus fruit peels called polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs) have the potential to lower cholesterol more effectively than some prescription drugs, and without side effects. Using orange peel to flavor tea, salads, salad dressings, yogurt, soups, or hot oatmeal, buckwheat or rice every day may be a practical way of achieving some cholesterol-lowering benefits.
Studies show that carbohydrates in orange peel have health-promoting effects. One of them, pectin, has probiotic properties. Probiotics are nondigestible foods or nutrients that increase growth of beneficial, probiotic bacteria in the large intestine, where they stimulate health and help curb foodborne pathogens.
The ancient Greeks and Romans believed roses symbolized Aphrodite and Venus, the goddesses of love; the aromatic oil was used to anoint British monarchs at their coronations; and the Catholic rosary was named for the rose hips once used to count prayers.
Though a considerable amount of rose petals are processed into oil and water, petals that are left to dry can be crushed and brewed as a tea. Rose petal tea may soothe mild sore throats and open blocked bronchial tubes, making it especially useful for treating colds and flu. It is also thought to have a cooling effect on the body and reduce fevers along with associated rashes. A mild diuretic, rose petal tea is often recommended as a digestive tonic and thought to restore balance in the gut.
Rose blooms are so spectacular that we may feel a certain sadness when they fade. No need for melancholy: the passing of the flower gives rise to rose hips. These berry-like fruits are packed with Vitamin C—a higher concentration than any citrus fruit—and antioxidant flavonoids known to defend against cancer and cardiovascular disease. With a tart, cranberry-like flavor, rose hips can be made into jams and jellies, crushed into tea, ground into medicinal powder or reduced to an essential oil.
Studies of patients suffering from osteoarthritis show that consuming rose hip powder reduces inflammation and eases stiffness and pain in the joints. As a tea, rose hips have similar benefits as rose petals, including relief for colds and flu, digestive distress and urinary tract infections. As an oil, rose hips promote tissue growth and collagen production, making them especially effective to treat burns and eczema as well as mature, aging skin.
Greek and Roman homemakers added mint to milk to prevent spoilage and the naturalists and physicians of the time recommended it for a wide range of ailments from hiccups to leprosy. In the ancient far east it was used as a tonic for digestion as well as a treatmentfor colds and fevers. The middle ages saw the usual strange recommendations being applied to the plant including as being used to help against the "biting of a mad dog". When colonists arrived in America they found Indians using their native mints as a curative against chest congestion and pneumonia, the new arrival of settlers brought the Old World mints with them and the plants went wild.
Have you ever had an after dinner mint, of course its a common tradition, but did you know that it actually reflects the ancient custom of feasts concluding with a sprig of mint which acts as a stomach soother and an aid to digestion. This property was first used in ancient Egypt and from there it spread to Palestine where it was considered so useful that it was an accepted item to use as a tax payment. Jesus even scolds the Pharisees in Luke (11:39) "you pay tithes of mint and rue...but have no care for justice and the love of God." From the Holy Land, mint spread to Greece where its modern name was formed. Pluto, god of the dead, fell in love with the nymph Minthe. Plutos wife, Persephone, in a fit of jealousy turned her into a plant and her lover god gave her a fragrant aroma. Minthe evolved into Mentha and the name remained in its latin label and as the basis of the word Menthol.
Today mint is used in a number of areas. Its age old reputation of a digestive aid is borne out by modern research, the Menthol contained within soothes stomach lining and digestive tract as well as preventing stomach ulcers. Its anaesthetic qualities are used in many modern skin creams, a property that the Eclectics of the late 19th century were only too well aware. If you associate mint with only one thing it is as a decongestant, it is used in nasal relief and as a vapour rub, and is approved by the major medical organisations. Lesser known properties include its ability to kill bacteria and aid in the healing of wounds and abrasions, as well as peppermint in particular being an aid to promote menstruation.
Stevia is a type of plant that has very sweet leaves. These leaves have been used to sweeten drinks and as a sugar substitute in Central and South America (as well as Texas, Arizona and New Mexico). For centuries, tribes in Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia have used stevia leaves to sweeten teas and traditional medicines. Stevia extract can be 300 times sweeter than sugar (compared to Splenda, which is 600 times sweeter than sugar). The more compelling thing (potentially) about stevia is that it does not impact blood sugar levels. In other words, it is a very low-calorie sweetener and may be advantageous to diabetics.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The only evidence of life is growth.
Growth is does not take place when you are frozen and looking backwards. No one has a realistic expectation for change to take place overnight, but you can practice new mental images and new behaviors until they become second nature.
Change starts with change the self-concepts. By reprogramming the old worn out ideas and believe systems. These beliefs are buried deeply in our subconscious brain. The subconscious is 90 percent of our though process. It stores information and operates like remote control until given new directions and information. To retain the thought patterns the new directions must be repeated through the conscious 10 percent of thinking. The only way to learn is by spaced repetition. Give yourself the gift of change by planting new thoughts in your subconscious brain. Plant the seeds of new ideas and water with repeated practice. Practice this daily until the new behavior emerge. If you relapse into your old thinking, go back and practice again. Each time the learning will take place 25 % faster.
An affirmation is an “I” statement of something which we wish to see manifest in our lives. It is a positive statement of our intention to move toward our dreams, ideals, and desires. Affirmations serve to inspire and motivate by reminding us to move in the direction of our goals. Affirmations also serve to remind us that what we desire already exists as a potential. When we start to believe it we will see its entirety. What we believe we are have the potential to achieve.
Daily repetition of affirmations builds the faith to pursue anything our heart desires. As in any skill, they do require practice. The repetition reinforces our ability to align our inner desire with our outer reality. They reinforce changes in our personality and help us overcome character defieicts. The more personal that you make your affirmations, the more powerful its impact. When you believe it, you will see it! The following are suggested affirmations. After practicing them, it is suggested that you create your own.
I am happy, healthy, whole and complete.
I am free from the past.
I am enthusiastic about my life.
I visualize my favorite places.
I have goals for my future.
I let go of clutter and confusion.
I am happy to care for my surroundings.
I choose to surround myself with pleasing colors and sounds.
I give freely to others.
I decorate my environment with expressions of my joy.
I am grateful for the gift of each new day.
I am in control of my emotions and my life.
I am willing to love myself.
Growth is does not take place when you are frozen and looking backwards. No one has a realistic expectation for change to take place overnight, but you can practice new mental images and new behaviors until they become second nature.
Change starts with change the self-concepts. By reprogramming the old worn out ideas and believe systems. These beliefs are buried deeply in our subconscious brain. The subconscious is 90 percent of our though process. It stores information and operates like remote control until given new directions and information. To retain the thought patterns the new directions must be repeated through the conscious 10 percent of thinking. The only way to learn is by spaced repetition. Give yourself the gift of change by planting new thoughts in your subconscious brain. Plant the seeds of new ideas and water with repeated practice. Practice this daily until the new behavior emerge. If you relapse into your old thinking, go back and practice again. Each time the learning will take place 25 % faster.
An affirmation is an “I” statement of something which we wish to see manifest in our lives. It is a positive statement of our intention to move toward our dreams, ideals, and desires. Affirmations serve to inspire and motivate by reminding us to move in the direction of our goals. Affirmations also serve to remind us that what we desire already exists as a potential. When we start to believe it we will see its entirety. What we believe we are have the potential to achieve.
Daily repetition of affirmations builds the faith to pursue anything our heart desires. As in any skill, they do require practice. The repetition reinforces our ability to align our inner desire with our outer reality. They reinforce changes in our personality and help us overcome character defieicts. The more personal that you make your affirmations, the more powerful its impact. When you believe it, you will see it! The following are suggested affirmations. After practicing them, it is suggested that you create your own.
I am happy, healthy, whole and complete.
I am free from the past.
I am enthusiastic about my life.
I visualize my favorite places.
I have goals for my future.
I let go of clutter and confusion.
I am happy to care for my surroundings.
I choose to surround myself with pleasing colors and sounds.
I give freely to others.
I decorate my environment with expressions of my joy.
I am grateful for the gift of each new day.
I am in control of my emotions and my life.
I am willing to love myself.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Every day someone will ask "do you have a diet tea?" At first I cringe remembering the pain from drinking diet teas in the past. Most were purchased in oriental markets, and most contained very strong laxatives. The little bit of weight loss was mostly fluid and at a very painful price.
So, I have done some research and come up with my first diet blend. It used herbs that have mild diuretic and laxative properties. It is called Thin Lizzy and contains green tea, nettles, astragulus, bladder wrack, uva ursi, butchers broom hibiscus, stevia, orange peel, ginger root, and citrus flavor.
The information presented herein by ZAHARA'S GYPSY TEA is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider. This tea should not be consumed by women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. If you have a medical condition or take medication, always check with your physician before using these herbs or any other herbal supplements,
Here is some of my research on the herbs in in my diet tonic.
Is any other food or drink reported to have as many health benefits as green tea? The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. In her book Green Tea: The Natural Secret for a Healthier Life, Nadine Taylor states that green tea has been used as a medicine in China for at least 4,000 years.
Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. For example, in 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent. University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.
Green tea and its extract have been shown to fight obesity and lower LDL "bad" cholesterol -- two risk factors for heart disease and diabetes -- but in very limited studies. One study in the Netherlands and a study in Japan showed that green tea did both.
In the Dutch study, participants who drank caffeinated green tea lost more weight, but even those who typically drank the decaf variety saw a decrease in their waistlines and body weight. Researchers speculated that the caffeine helps with fat oxidation.
In the Japanese study, 240 men and women were given varying amounts of green tea extract for three months. Those who got the highest amount lost fat and weight and had lower blood pressure and lower LDL "bad" cholesterol.
But the best way to get the most out of green tea -- even if your main goal is losing weight -- is to drink it.
"Taken altogether, the evidence certainly suggests that incorporating at least a few cups of green tea every day will positively affect your health," says Diane McKay, PhD, a Tufts University scientist who studies antioxidants. "It's not going to cure anything and it shouldn't be consumed as a drug, but it can complement the rest of the diet."
The caffeine in great tea is most likely to increase alertness and increase activity. The less sluggish we feel the more active we a likely to be.
Due to my belief tha many food issues are due to allergies. Because manufactures are putting corn syrup in almost every refined food many people have developed allergies. With food allergies, you actually crave the foods to which you are allergic.
Nettles have been used for centuries to treat allergy symptoms, particularly hayfever which is the most common allergy problem. It contains biologically active compounds that reduce inflammation. Dr. Andrew Wiel M.D. author of Natural Health/ Natural Medicine says he knows of nothing more effective than nettle for allergy relief. And his statement is backed up by studies at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
Decongestants, antihistamines, allergy shots and even prescription medications such as Allegra and Claritin treat only the symptoms of allergies and tend to lose effectiveness over a period of time. They can also cause drowsiness, dry sinuses, insomnia and high blood pressure. Nettle has none of these side effects. It can be used on a regular basis and has an impressive number of other benefits most notably as a treatment for prostate enlargement.
Nettle has been studied extensively and has shown promise in treating Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, asthma, bladder infections, bronchitis, bursitis, gingivitis, gout, hives, kidney stones, laryngitis, multiple sclerosis, PMS, prostate enlargement, sciatica, and tendinitis! Externally it has been used to improve the appearance of the hair, and is said to be a remedy against oily hair and dandruff.
In Germany today stinging nettle is sold as an herbal drug for prostate diseases and as a diuretic. It is a common ingredient in other herbal drugs produced in Germany for rheumatic complaints and inflammatory conditions (especially for the lower urinary tract and prostate). In the United States many remarkable healing properties are attributed to nettle and the leaf is utilized for different problems than the root. The leaf is used here as a diuretic, for arthritis, prostatitis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure and allergic rhinitis.
The root is recommended as a diuretic, for relief of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and other prostate problems, and as a natural remedy to treat or prevent baldness
An infusion of the plant is very valuable in stemming internal bleeding. It is also used to treat anemia, excessive menstruation, hemorrhoids, arthritis, rheumatism and skin complaints, especially eczema. Externally, the plant is used to treat skin complaints, arthritic pain, gout, sciatica, neuralgia, hemorrhoids and hair problems.
Taken orally, products made from nettle's aerial parts may interfere with the body's production of prostaglandins and other inflammation-causing chemicals. Consequently, nettle may have an anti-inflammatory effect. It may also enhance responses of the immune system. Chemicals in nettle's aerial parts are also thought to reduce the feeling of pain or interfere with the way that nerves send pain signals. All of these effects may reduce the pain and stiffness of arthritis and other similar conditions. And may reduce feelings of hunger.
In addition, nettle's aerial parts may reduce the amount of histamine that is produced by the body in response to an allergen. An allergen is a substance such as pollen that may provoke an exaggerated immune response in individuals who are sensitive to it. Through this potential action, the aerial parts of nettle may help to reduce allergy symptoms. Results from one human study are promising, but more research is needed to be conclusive.
Astragulus is a herbaceous perennial plant of the pea family and is most commonly used for immune enhancement. Most research on astragalus has focused on its immunostimulatory activity and its seemingly remarkable ability to restore the activity of a suppressed immune system. Clinical trials as well as pharmacological data provide evidence for its usefulness in the prevention of the common cold and as an adjunct to cancer therapies. It is may be useful as a complementary treatment during chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immune deficiency syndromes. Astragalus is used to strengthen the immune system over time, building resistance to illness and disease. Echinacea may be used in conjunction with astragalus to provide an extra short term boost in immunity.
There is also evidence for cardiovascular system improvement, particularly in clinical parameters associated with angina, congestive heart failure and acute myocardial infarct. This may be due to the herb's antioxidant activity. Its use in the treatment of hepatitis in modern Chinese medicine is supported by the demonstration of hepatoprotective activity in animal studies.
Astragalus is often used in combination with other botanicals and is very seldom used as a single agent. Pharmacological research of astragalus in combination with ligustrum (Ligustrum lucidum) provides evidence for activity against cancers of the breast, cervix and lung.
Astragalus is a natural dietary supplement that's used for various health conditions. For instance, it's used to treat the common cold, upper respiratory infections, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. Some proponents of astragalus use it for its heart benefits. They claim it may protect against heart disease. By lowering blood sugar, astragulus helps with weight loss becuase there is less insulin and therefore less fat stored. It's also used to help improve overall weakness.
Proponents also say astragalus stimulates the spleen, liver, lungs, circulatory, and urinary system. It's also used to treat arthritis, asthma, and nervous conditions as well as to lower blood sugar and blood pressure.
A number of clinical studies have been reported regarding the use of astragalus for colds and upper respiratory infections.
Bladder wrack is a form of kelp that has been used medicinally for centuries. The main use of the herb has been for the stimulation of the thyroid gland as a treatment for obesity and cellulite. The high iodine content of the herb stimulates thyroid function which boosts metabolism.
It has a reputation in the relief of rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis and may be used both internally and as an external application for inflamed joints. The main phytotherapeutic use of Fucus is during debility and convalescence, and also to remineralise the body.
Fucus also appears to assist in the problem of lipid balance associated with obesity, and where obesity is associated with thyroid dysfunction, this herb may help to reduce excess weight.
Bladderwrack is rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, silicon and iron and high in some B-complex vitamins. It contains moderate amounts of phosphorus, selenium, manganese and zinc and small amounts of vitamins A, C, E and G. It also contains anti-sterility vitamin S as well as vitamin K. It is rich in algin and mannitol, carotene and zeaxantin with traces of bromine.
A nourishing tonic. Obesity with tiredness and dry skin. Cellulite, chronic dry skin and stubborn constipation. Regular use delays the progress of arthritis and hardening of the arteries. A good tonic for old age. For children with slow mental and physical development.
Butcher's broom has been known for 2,000 years for its healing properties, especially for its benefits to the circulatory system. Theophrastus (c 325 BC.), Pliny (60 AD.) describe its healing of the lame by reducing swellings, and flattening varicose veins in some patients.
In the Middle Ages, it was highly valued food.The young shoots have been cooked like asparagus. The "Aculeatus"were butcher's broom eaters, who farmed the plant for its sprouts.They appeared to remain remarkably free of circulatory disorders.
The plant appeared in the medical literature of France, Germany and Italy until around 1910, when herbs began to fall into disuse, but is now making a comeback due to recent research showing its benefits in circulatory disorders.
Different parts of the plant have been used for various complaints or conditions. The root is used in modern medicine to clean the veins. Poultices have been made of the berries and leaves to help knit broken bones and parts of the joint.
Recent tests by German and French doctors indicated that butcher's broom root lessens post-operative thrombosis; showed definite and measurable relief for hemorrhoid and varicose vein sufferers; and prevented or corrected the development of phlebitis in some patients.
It has been suggested that a poultice of Butcher’s Broom could be used to help knit together broken bones, but this claim has not been tested recently. However, while the diuretic effects are credited with helping women with menstrual cramping and testiness, some non-scientific reports suggest that Butcher’s Broom has a gentle hormone-leveling affect that works on teenagers during adolescence to calm the worst of the mood swings of puberty. Some studies indicate that curbing mood swings increases weight loss.
Some of the other uses that Butcher’s Broom may be employed for include as a treatment to produce poison immunity. One of the steroidal saponins – sparteine – has shown to inhibit the proteins in snake venom. Studies in Europe, the US, and Japan have and are continuing to find more and more potentially beneficial functions, including slowing the growth of leukemia cells, reducing cholesterol, and reducing plaque build-up in blood vessel
There is history of healing with Hibiscus Flowers. In Africa it has been used topically to sooth skin from bites, stings, and wounds. It has been used as a mild diuretic and laxative and for weight loss. In Egypt is has long been a folk remedy for heart disease. In Iran it has long been used to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, help weigh loss, improve kidney function, reduces free radicals and decreases stress. Scientific studies have recently proved that it strengthens your immune system. In some parts of the world Hibiscus is used to treat cancer, especially b rain and skin cancer.
In addition to controlling blood pressure, boosting the immune system, and guarding against cellular damage, hibiscus tea may also reduce cholesterol by dilating blood vessels. Plus, hibiscus tea contains an enzyme inhibitor that impedes the production of amylase, which is an enzyme that breaks down sugar and starches. That means drinking a cup of hibiscus tea after eating may reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and thus, promote weight loss. It has also been suggested that hibiscus tea can prevent bladder infections and constipation.
The leaves of this small shrub have been used as an herbal folk medicine for centuries as a mild diuretic and astringent, and in the treatment of urinary tract infections such as cystitis, urethritis and nephritis, pyelitis and in pyelonephritis. Uva-ursi can help to reduce accumulations of uric acid and relieve the pain of bladder stones. Uva Ursi is also helpful for chronic diarrhea. As a nutritional supplement and muscle relaxant, Uva Ursi soothes, strengthens, and tightens irritated and inflamed tissues.
Uva ursi has a history of medicinal use dating back to the 2nd century. It has been widely used as a diuretic, astringent, and antiseptic. Folk medicine around the world has recommended Uva Ursi for nephritis, kidney stones, and chronic cystitis. The herb has also been used as a general tonic for weakened kidneys, liver or pancreas. Native Americans used it as a remedy for headaches, to prevent and cure scurvy and to treat urinary tract infections. In fact, until the discovery of sulfa drugs and anti-biotics, Uva Ursi was the treatment of choice for such bladder and related infections. Through modern day scientific research in test tubes and animals, Uva Ursi's antimicrobial properties, which can help fight infection, and diuretic effects have been demonstrated.
Usa Ursi helps promote the growth of healthy new cells and has been used to treat incontinence.
Usa Ursi can increase heart rate, thus speed up the metabolism.
The herb, Stevia rebaudiana, has been used for centuries by the Guarani Indians of Paraguay, who had several names for the plant, several of which are Kaa'-he-E, Caa'-ehe, or Ca-a-yupe- all. referring to the sweet leaf or honey leaf. It is commonly known in South America as yerba dulce meaning sweet herb. The Guarani used stevia nutritionally and medicinally.
The plant came to the attention of the rest of the world when South American naturalist, Bertoni, "discovered" the plant in the late 1800's. After his report,. the herb became widely used by herbalists in Paraguay.
Stevia's most obvious and notable characteristic is its sweet taste. However, the sweet taste is not due to carbohydrate-based molecules, but to several non-caloric molecules called glycosides. Individuals who cannot tolerate sugar or other sweeteners can use stevia. The first glycoside molecule was isolated from stevia in 1931 by two French chemists named Bridel and Lavieille and called stevioside.
During WW II, sugar shortages prompted England to begin investigation of stevia for use as a sweetener. Cultivation began under the direction of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, but the project 'was abandoned in the aftermath of the war. Japan began cultivating stevia in hothouses in the 1950's. By the 1970's, Japan started using stevia commercially and today, they are the biggest users of the extract, which has captured 50% of Japan's sweetener industry.
Other aspects of stevia are capturing people's attention. The herb is sold in some South American countries to aid diabetics and hypoglycemics. Research has shown that a whole leaf concentrate has a regulating effect on the pancreas and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Stevia is therefore useful to people with diabetes, hypoglycemia, and Candidiasis.
Other traditional uses of stevia are: lowers elevated blood pressure (hypertension), digestive aid that also reduces gas and stomach acidity, and for obesity. The herb acts as general tonic which increases energy levels and mental acuity.
Stevia has been shown to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay, making it an excellent addition to tooth pastes and mouthwashes. Many people have reported improvement in their oral health after adding stevia concentrate to their tooth paste and using it, diluted in water, as a daily mouthwash.
Stevia is useful in healing a number of skin problems. Whole stevia concentrates may be applied as a facial mask to soften and tighten the skin and smooth cut wrinkles. Smooth the dark liquid over the entire face, allowing it to dry for at least 30-60 minutes. A drop of concentrate may be applied directly to any blemish, acne outbreak, lip or mouth sore. Stevia concentrate is also effective when used on seborrhea, dermatitis, and eczema. Reportedly, cuts and scratches heal more rapidly when stevia concentrate is applied.
Stevia concentrate added to soap eliminates dandruff and other scalp problems and improves the health and luster of the hair, also helping to retain natural hair color.
Refined sugar consumption continues to rise in the United States. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (Nov. 1998), sugar consumption rose by 25 pounds since 1986 to 152 pounds per person per year (calculated from sugar production figures). Sugar displaces nutritive calories leading to numerous health problems and. obesity. A major factor contributing to this high rate is the widespread and continually growing habit of drinking sugar-laden soda pops.
Orange Peel is a digestive aid. It is used for abdominal bloating, nausea and poor appetite. Orange peel moves stagnant energy and helps the digestion. Also used as an expectorant for Arguably, the most important flavanone in oranges, herperidin has been shown to lower high blood pressure as well as cholesterol, and to have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Importantly, m
A class of compounds found in citrus fruit peels called polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs) have the potential to lower cholesterol more effectively than some prescription drugs, and without side effects. Using orange peel to flavor tea, salads, salad dressings, yogurt, soups, or hot oatmeal, buckwheat or rice every day may be a practical way of achieving some cholesterol-lowering benefits. Importantly, most of this phytonutrient is found in the peel and inner white pulp of the orange.
Studies show that carbohydrates in orange peel have health-promoting effects. One of them, pectin, has probiotic properties. Probiotics are nondigestible foods or nutrients that increase growth of beneficial, probiotic bacteria in the large intestine, where they stimulate health and help curb food borne pathogens
Historically, ginger root has been used to ease menstrual cramps, treat seasickness and food poisoning, and to eliminate body odor. When dieting, some people burn large amounts of keytones so ginger root helps eliminate order. It is now one of the most popular herbal remedies for nausea, morning sickness and digestive problems. Ginger root extract can help the digestive process by breaking down proteins. It alleviates nausea and morning sickness by relaxing stomach muscles, and pregnant women can use it safely for this purpose. Relaxing stomach muscles reduces feelings of hunger.
So, I have done some research and come up with my first diet blend. It used herbs that have mild diuretic and laxative properties. It is called Thin Lizzy and contains green tea, nettles, astragulus, bladder wrack, uva ursi, butchers broom hibiscus, stevia, orange peel, ginger root, and citrus flavor.
The information presented herein by ZAHARA'S GYPSY TEA is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider. This tea should not be consumed by women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. If you have a medical condition or take medication, always check with your physician before using these herbs or any other herbal supplements,
Here is some of my research on the herbs in in my diet tonic.
Is any other food or drink reported to have as many health benefits as green tea? The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. In her book Green Tea: The Natural Secret for a Healthier Life, Nadine Taylor states that green tea has been used as a medicine in China for at least 4,000 years.
Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. For example, in 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent. University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.
Green tea and its extract have been shown to fight obesity and lower LDL "bad" cholesterol -- two risk factors for heart disease and diabetes -- but in very limited studies. One study in the Netherlands and a study in Japan showed that green tea did both.
In the Dutch study, participants who drank caffeinated green tea lost more weight, but even those who typically drank the decaf variety saw a decrease in their waistlines and body weight. Researchers speculated that the caffeine helps with fat oxidation.
In the Japanese study, 240 men and women were given varying amounts of green tea extract for three months. Those who got the highest amount lost fat and weight and had lower blood pressure and lower LDL "bad" cholesterol.
But the best way to get the most out of green tea -- even if your main goal is losing weight -- is to drink it.
"Taken altogether, the evidence certainly suggests that incorporating at least a few cups of green tea every day will positively affect your health," says Diane McKay, PhD, a Tufts University scientist who studies antioxidants. "It's not going to cure anything and it shouldn't be consumed as a drug, but it can complement the rest of the diet."
The caffeine in great tea is most likely to increase alertness and increase activity. The less sluggish we feel the more active we a likely to be.
Due to my belief tha many food issues are due to allergies. Because manufactures are putting corn syrup in almost every refined food many people have developed allergies. With food allergies, you actually crave the foods to which you are allergic.
Nettles have been used for centuries to treat allergy symptoms, particularly hayfever which is the most common allergy problem. It contains biologically active compounds that reduce inflammation. Dr. Andrew Wiel M.D. author of Natural Health/ Natural Medicine says he knows of nothing more effective than nettle for allergy relief. And his statement is backed up by studies at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
Decongestants, antihistamines, allergy shots and even prescription medications such as Allegra and Claritin treat only the symptoms of allergies and tend to lose effectiveness over a period of time. They can also cause drowsiness, dry sinuses, insomnia and high blood pressure. Nettle has none of these side effects. It can be used on a regular basis and has an impressive number of other benefits most notably as a treatment for prostate enlargement.
Nettle has been studied extensively and has shown promise in treating Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, asthma, bladder infections, bronchitis, bursitis, gingivitis, gout, hives, kidney stones, laryngitis, multiple sclerosis, PMS, prostate enlargement, sciatica, and tendinitis! Externally it has been used to improve the appearance of the hair, and is said to be a remedy against oily hair and dandruff.
In Germany today stinging nettle is sold as an herbal drug for prostate diseases and as a diuretic. It is a common ingredient in other herbal drugs produced in Germany for rheumatic complaints and inflammatory conditions (especially for the lower urinary tract and prostate). In the United States many remarkable healing properties are attributed to nettle and the leaf is utilized for different problems than the root. The leaf is used here as a diuretic, for arthritis, prostatitis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure and allergic rhinitis.
The root is recommended as a diuretic, for relief of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and other prostate problems, and as a natural remedy to treat or prevent baldness
An infusion of the plant is very valuable in stemming internal bleeding. It is also used to treat anemia, excessive menstruation, hemorrhoids, arthritis, rheumatism and skin complaints, especially eczema. Externally, the plant is used to treat skin complaints, arthritic pain, gout, sciatica, neuralgia, hemorrhoids and hair problems.
Taken orally, products made from nettle's aerial parts may interfere with the body's production of prostaglandins and other inflammation-causing chemicals. Consequently, nettle may have an anti-inflammatory effect. It may also enhance responses of the immune system. Chemicals in nettle's aerial parts are also thought to reduce the feeling of pain or interfere with the way that nerves send pain signals. All of these effects may reduce the pain and stiffness of arthritis and other similar conditions. And may reduce feelings of hunger.
In addition, nettle's aerial parts may reduce the amount of histamine that is produced by the body in response to an allergen. An allergen is a substance such as pollen that may provoke an exaggerated immune response in individuals who are sensitive to it. Through this potential action, the aerial parts of nettle may help to reduce allergy symptoms. Results from one human study are promising, but more research is needed to be conclusive.
Astragulus is a herbaceous perennial plant of the pea family and is most commonly used for immune enhancement. Most research on astragalus has focused on its immunostimulatory activity and its seemingly remarkable ability to restore the activity of a suppressed immune system. Clinical trials as well as pharmacological data provide evidence for its usefulness in the prevention of the common cold and as an adjunct to cancer therapies. It is may be useful as a complementary treatment during chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immune deficiency syndromes. Astragalus is used to strengthen the immune system over time, building resistance to illness and disease. Echinacea may be used in conjunction with astragalus to provide an extra short term boost in immunity.
There is also evidence for cardiovascular system improvement, particularly in clinical parameters associated with angina, congestive heart failure and acute myocardial infarct. This may be due to the herb's antioxidant activity. Its use in the treatment of hepatitis in modern Chinese medicine is supported by the demonstration of hepatoprotective activity in animal studies.
Astragalus is often used in combination with other botanicals and is very seldom used as a single agent. Pharmacological research of astragalus in combination with ligustrum (Ligustrum lucidum) provides evidence for activity against cancers of the breast, cervix and lung.
Astragalus is a natural dietary supplement that's used for various health conditions. For instance, it's used to treat the common cold, upper respiratory infections, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. Some proponents of astragalus use it for its heart benefits. They claim it may protect against heart disease. By lowering blood sugar, astragulus helps with weight loss becuase there is less insulin and therefore less fat stored. It's also used to help improve overall weakness.
Proponents also say astragalus stimulates the spleen, liver, lungs, circulatory, and urinary system. It's also used to treat arthritis, asthma, and nervous conditions as well as to lower blood sugar and blood pressure.
A number of clinical studies have been reported regarding the use of astragalus for colds and upper respiratory infections.
Bladder wrack is a form of kelp that has been used medicinally for centuries. The main use of the herb has been for the stimulation of the thyroid gland as a treatment for obesity and cellulite. The high iodine content of the herb stimulates thyroid function which boosts metabolism.
It has a reputation in the relief of rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis and may be used both internally and as an external application for inflamed joints. The main phytotherapeutic use of Fucus is during debility and convalescence, and also to remineralise the body.
Fucus also appears to assist in the problem of lipid balance associated with obesity, and where obesity is associated with thyroid dysfunction, this herb may help to reduce excess weight.
Bladderwrack is rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, silicon and iron and high in some B-complex vitamins. It contains moderate amounts of phosphorus, selenium, manganese and zinc and small amounts of vitamins A, C, E and G. It also contains anti-sterility vitamin S as well as vitamin K. It is rich in algin and mannitol, carotene and zeaxantin with traces of bromine.
A nourishing tonic. Obesity with tiredness and dry skin. Cellulite, chronic dry skin and stubborn constipation. Regular use delays the progress of arthritis and hardening of the arteries. A good tonic for old age. For children with slow mental and physical development.
Butcher's broom has been known for 2,000 years for its healing properties, especially for its benefits to the circulatory system. Theophrastus (c 325 BC.), Pliny (60 AD.) describe its healing of the lame by reducing swellings, and flattening varicose veins in some patients.
In the Middle Ages, it was highly valued food.The young shoots have been cooked like asparagus. The "Aculeatus"were butcher's broom eaters, who farmed the plant for its sprouts.They appeared to remain remarkably free of circulatory disorders.
The plant appeared in the medical literature of France, Germany and Italy until around 1910, when herbs began to fall into disuse, but is now making a comeback due to recent research showing its benefits in circulatory disorders.
Different parts of the plant have been used for various complaints or conditions. The root is used in modern medicine to clean the veins. Poultices have been made of the berries and leaves to help knit broken bones and parts of the joint.
Recent tests by German and French doctors indicated that butcher's broom root lessens post-operative thrombosis; showed definite and measurable relief for hemorrhoid and varicose vein sufferers; and prevented or corrected the development of phlebitis in some patients.
It has been suggested that a poultice of Butcher’s Broom could be used to help knit together broken bones, but this claim has not been tested recently. However, while the diuretic effects are credited with helping women with menstrual cramping and testiness, some non-scientific reports suggest that Butcher’s Broom has a gentle hormone-leveling affect that works on teenagers during adolescence to calm the worst of the mood swings of puberty. Some studies indicate that curbing mood swings increases weight loss.
Some of the other uses that Butcher’s Broom may be employed for include as a treatment to produce poison immunity. One of the steroidal saponins – sparteine – has shown to inhibit the proteins in snake venom. Studies in Europe, the US, and Japan have and are continuing to find more and more potentially beneficial functions, including slowing the growth of leukemia cells, reducing cholesterol, and reducing plaque build-up in blood vessel
There is history of healing with Hibiscus Flowers. In Africa it has been used topically to sooth skin from bites, stings, and wounds. It has been used as a mild diuretic and laxative and for weight loss. In Egypt is has long been a folk remedy for heart disease. In Iran it has long been used to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, help weigh loss, improve kidney function, reduces free radicals and decreases stress. Scientific studies have recently proved that it strengthens your immune system. In some parts of the world Hibiscus is used to treat cancer, especially b rain and skin cancer.
In addition to controlling blood pressure, boosting the immune system, and guarding against cellular damage, hibiscus tea may also reduce cholesterol by dilating blood vessels. Plus, hibiscus tea contains an enzyme inhibitor that impedes the production of amylase, which is an enzyme that breaks down sugar and starches. That means drinking a cup of hibiscus tea after eating may reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and thus, promote weight loss. It has also been suggested that hibiscus tea can prevent bladder infections and constipation.
The leaves of this small shrub have been used as an herbal folk medicine for centuries as a mild diuretic and astringent, and in the treatment of urinary tract infections such as cystitis, urethritis and nephritis, pyelitis and in pyelonephritis. Uva-ursi can help to reduce accumulations of uric acid and relieve the pain of bladder stones. Uva Ursi is also helpful for chronic diarrhea. As a nutritional supplement and muscle relaxant, Uva Ursi soothes, strengthens, and tightens irritated and inflamed tissues.
Uva ursi has a history of medicinal use dating back to the 2nd century. It has been widely used as a diuretic, astringent, and antiseptic. Folk medicine around the world has recommended Uva Ursi for nephritis, kidney stones, and chronic cystitis. The herb has also been used as a general tonic for weakened kidneys, liver or pancreas. Native Americans used it as a remedy for headaches, to prevent and cure scurvy and to treat urinary tract infections. In fact, until the discovery of sulfa drugs and anti-biotics, Uva Ursi was the treatment of choice for such bladder and related infections. Through modern day scientific research in test tubes and animals, Uva Ursi's antimicrobial properties, which can help fight infection, and diuretic effects have been demonstrated.
Usa Ursi helps promote the growth of healthy new cells and has been used to treat incontinence.
Usa Ursi can increase heart rate, thus speed up the metabolism.
The herb, Stevia rebaudiana, has been used for centuries by the Guarani Indians of Paraguay, who had several names for the plant, several of which are Kaa'-he-E, Caa'-ehe, or Ca-a-yupe- all. referring to the sweet leaf or honey leaf. It is commonly known in South America as yerba dulce meaning sweet herb. The Guarani used stevia nutritionally and medicinally.
The plant came to the attention of the rest of the world when South American naturalist, Bertoni, "discovered" the plant in the late 1800's. After his report,. the herb became widely used by herbalists in Paraguay.
Stevia's most obvious and notable characteristic is its sweet taste. However, the sweet taste is not due to carbohydrate-based molecules, but to several non-caloric molecules called glycosides. Individuals who cannot tolerate sugar or other sweeteners can use stevia. The first glycoside molecule was isolated from stevia in 1931 by two French chemists named Bridel and Lavieille and called stevioside.
During WW II, sugar shortages prompted England to begin investigation of stevia for use as a sweetener. Cultivation began under the direction of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, but the project 'was abandoned in the aftermath of the war. Japan began cultivating stevia in hothouses in the 1950's. By the 1970's, Japan started using stevia commercially and today, they are the biggest users of the extract, which has captured 50% of Japan's sweetener industry.
Other aspects of stevia are capturing people's attention. The herb is sold in some South American countries to aid diabetics and hypoglycemics. Research has shown that a whole leaf concentrate has a regulating effect on the pancreas and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Stevia is therefore useful to people with diabetes, hypoglycemia, and Candidiasis.
Other traditional uses of stevia are: lowers elevated blood pressure (hypertension), digestive aid that also reduces gas and stomach acidity, and for obesity. The herb acts as general tonic which increases energy levels and mental acuity.
Stevia has been shown to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay, making it an excellent addition to tooth pastes and mouthwashes. Many people have reported improvement in their oral health after adding stevia concentrate to their tooth paste and using it, diluted in water, as a daily mouthwash.
Stevia is useful in healing a number of skin problems. Whole stevia concentrates may be applied as a facial mask to soften and tighten the skin and smooth cut wrinkles. Smooth the dark liquid over the entire face, allowing it to dry for at least 30-60 minutes. A drop of concentrate may be applied directly to any blemish, acne outbreak, lip or mouth sore. Stevia concentrate is also effective when used on seborrhea, dermatitis, and eczema. Reportedly, cuts and scratches heal more rapidly when stevia concentrate is applied.
Stevia concentrate added to soap eliminates dandruff and other scalp problems and improves the health and luster of the hair, also helping to retain natural hair color.
Refined sugar consumption continues to rise in the United States. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (Nov. 1998), sugar consumption rose by 25 pounds since 1986 to 152 pounds per person per year (calculated from sugar production figures). Sugar displaces nutritive calories leading to numerous health problems and. obesity. A major factor contributing to this high rate is the widespread and continually growing habit of drinking sugar-laden soda pops.
Orange Peel is a digestive aid. It is used for abdominal bloating, nausea and poor appetite. Orange peel moves stagnant energy and helps the digestion. Also used as an expectorant for Arguably, the most important flavanone in oranges, herperidin has been shown to lower high blood pressure as well as cholesterol, and to have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Importantly, m
A class of compounds found in citrus fruit peels called polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs) have the potential to lower cholesterol more effectively than some prescription drugs, and without side effects. Using orange peel to flavor tea, salads, salad dressings, yogurt, soups, or hot oatmeal, buckwheat or rice every day may be a practical way of achieving some cholesterol-lowering benefits. Importantly, most of this phytonutrient is found in the peel and inner white pulp of the orange.
Studies show that carbohydrates in orange peel have health-promoting effects. One of them, pectin, has probiotic properties. Probiotics are nondigestible foods or nutrients that increase growth of beneficial, probiotic bacteria in the large intestine, where they stimulate health and help curb food borne pathogens
Historically, ginger root has been used to ease menstrual cramps, treat seasickness and food poisoning, and to eliminate body odor. When dieting, some people burn large amounts of keytones so ginger root helps eliminate order. It is now one of the most popular herbal remedies for nausea, morning sickness and digestive problems. Ginger root extract can help the digestive process by breaking down proteins. It alleviates nausea and morning sickness by relaxing stomach muscles, and pregnant women can use it safely for this purpose. Relaxing stomach muscles reduces feelings of hunger.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Biblical concept of moving mountains is usually represented as changing something that appears very large or impossible for one individual to accomplish. “Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, “Be taken up and cast into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart, but believes what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him.” (Mark 11:23) What this passage does not give us is a time frame for when this will take place. God’s time is not measurable. It could be over centuries that the earth’s moving against itself will gently crumble away at the mountains foundation and render it into the sea. Much like the San Andreas Fault in San Francisco. Then again, it may take time to blast the mountain into small pieces and cart truckloads away to be cast into the sea. Either of these examples result the moving the mountain as very discouraging endeavor.
The faith to move mountains is like a magicians slight of hand. It assumes that we must go through the mountain to get what we want. But in our Spiritual Being, we already have what we want. We might think we have to blast people to get what we want, or we have to grind away at great project. Often, what we need to do is to gently walk to the other side of the mountain. When we stand on the other side of the mountain we may decide that the mountain wasn’t the problem in the first place. Often, what needs to be moved is our perspective.
I can’t help but think of a song I sang as a child: “The bear went over the mountain.” When he got over the mountain the only thing he could see was the other side of the mountain. How many people live in this manner? They blast their way through situations and the get to see the other side, but they never seem erase the view of the mountain from their vision. Nor do they seem to learn that life often looks the same on the other side of the hill. They make many geographical changes only to bring their same limited perspective with them.
Our bodies grow and change in slow fashion. We wouldn’t expect the person who had open-heart surgery last week to be healed. Yet, we often expect people to go through a change of heart, or mind over night. Even if this were a possibility, it’s possible that it would be overwhelming emotionally. What we need to remove more often than illness are the concepts of lack and limitation. Our souls are like small flowers that are gently unfolding and great force will not make them blossom sooner, it will only make the small petals wither.
What is the problem that appears to stand in your way? Is it looming large like the mountain? What do you desire once you get to the other side of that mountain? Or, better to pose the question what do you feel that you lack, what does the mountain keep you from having? It could very well be that when you align yourself with Faith and a Healing Higher Power, you may uncover that those things already abide deep with your being.
The faith to move mountains is like a magicians slight of hand. It assumes that we must go through the mountain to get what we want. But in our Spiritual Being, we already have what we want. We might think we have to blast people to get what we want, or we have to grind away at great project. Often, what we need to do is to gently walk to the other side of the mountain. When we stand on the other side of the mountain we may decide that the mountain wasn’t the problem in the first place. Often, what needs to be moved is our perspective.
I can’t help but think of a song I sang as a child: “The bear went over the mountain.” When he got over the mountain the only thing he could see was the other side of the mountain. How many people live in this manner? They blast their way through situations and the get to see the other side, but they never seem erase the view of the mountain from their vision. Nor do they seem to learn that life often looks the same on the other side of the hill. They make many geographical changes only to bring their same limited perspective with them.
Our bodies grow and change in slow fashion. We wouldn’t expect the person who had open-heart surgery last week to be healed. Yet, we often expect people to go through a change of heart, or mind over night. Even if this were a possibility, it’s possible that it would be overwhelming emotionally. What we need to remove more often than illness are the concepts of lack and limitation. Our souls are like small flowers that are gently unfolding and great force will not make them blossom sooner, it will only make the small petals wither.
What is the problem that appears to stand in your way? Is it looming large like the mountain? What do you desire once you get to the other side of that mountain? Or, better to pose the question what do you feel that you lack, what does the mountain keep you from having? It could very well be that when you align yourself with Faith and a Healing Higher Power, you may uncover that those things already abide deep with your being.
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that “a man is what he thinks about all day long.” What we think about is what determines what we drawn to us in our lives. That is our mental atmosphere is frequently mirrored back to us in experience. Since recovery involves changing our thought processes, it is important to review our thoughts each day. It is also important to take the time to put different information into our minds if we are to expect different results in our lives. It is the daily bathing of our minds. It seems so odd that many individuals would be outraged if denied a daily bath or shower, but have never considered the daily cleansing of their thoughts.
Many individuals read the newspaper daily, or they turn to the radio and news to feel connected in some way with the world. And yet, these same individuals will forget to spend time the each day to be connected to their own thoughts and feelings. Some individuals sadly have never been taught that thoughts are the seeds for their future. To grow a lush, green future we must carefully pluck the thoughts that are weeds. We pluck the crabgrass thoughts and replace them with the thoughts that turn life into an abundant garden.
This can be a time set aside daily to share the thoughts that have been held by great minds. If I am to be more like the great, empowered people who have lived before me, I must learn to think in the manner that they also thought. We train for every event in which we want to succeed. If we do not train our thoughts, they are like dandelions seeds blowing wherever the wind will take them. The daily practice of reflection has been the habit of every great mind. This is a vital exercise and the basis of Step 11.
Life is really very simple. What we give out, we get back. What we think about becomes the truth for us. We are 100% responsible for everything in our lives. Every thought we think is creating our future. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experience.
We create situations and then we blame others for our frustration. We are the only thinkers in our mind. When we find peace and harmony in our mind we will find it also in our lives. Our subconscious mind accepts whatever we choose to believe. IT ONLY ACCEPTS US AT OUR OWN VALUE. What we believe about life becomes our reality. If we want to believe that nobody loves me or people are out to get me, then this is what we will find in our world.
Many of us have foolish ideas about life, and many rigid rules we think we must live by. These ideas started when we were very little and may have been ideas adopted from parents. If our parents were unhappy, we will learn to be unhappy, too. We grow up we have the tendency to recreate the emotional environment of our childhood, even when it was unhappy. We choose it because it is familiar and less frightening then choosing new ideas.
Do not blame you parents. They only learned it from their parents. They could not teach us anything they did not know. Many of then never realized they we are only dealing with thoughts, and thoughts can be changed. We may not be able to control every thought that pops into our head, but we can choose the ones we choose to we dwell upon.
Many individuals read the newspaper daily, or they turn to the radio and news to feel connected in some way with the world. And yet, these same individuals will forget to spend time the each day to be connected to their own thoughts and feelings. Some individuals sadly have never been taught that thoughts are the seeds for their future. To grow a lush, green future we must carefully pluck the thoughts that are weeds. We pluck the crabgrass thoughts and replace them with the thoughts that turn life into an abundant garden.
This can be a time set aside daily to share the thoughts that have been held by great minds. If I am to be more like the great, empowered people who have lived before me, I must learn to think in the manner that they also thought. We train for every event in which we want to succeed. If we do not train our thoughts, they are like dandelions seeds blowing wherever the wind will take them. The daily practice of reflection has been the habit of every great mind. This is a vital exercise and the basis of Step 11.
Life is really very simple. What we give out, we get back. What we think about becomes the truth for us. We are 100% responsible for everything in our lives. Every thought we think is creating our future. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experience.
We create situations and then we blame others for our frustration. We are the only thinkers in our mind. When we find peace and harmony in our mind we will find it also in our lives. Our subconscious mind accepts whatever we choose to believe. IT ONLY ACCEPTS US AT OUR OWN VALUE. What we believe about life becomes our reality. If we want to believe that nobody loves me or people are out to get me, then this is what we will find in our world.
Many of us have foolish ideas about life, and many rigid rules we think we must live by. These ideas started when we were very little and may have been ideas adopted from parents. If our parents were unhappy, we will learn to be unhappy, too. We grow up we have the tendency to recreate the emotional environment of our childhood, even when it was unhappy. We choose it because it is familiar and less frightening then choosing new ideas.
Do not blame you parents. They only learned it from their parents. They could not teach us anything they did not know. Many of then never realized they we are only dealing with thoughts, and thoughts can be changed. We may not be able to control every thought that pops into our head, but we can choose the ones we choose to we dwell upon.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Diabetes is a disease in which the body has a shortage of insulin, a decreased ability to use insulin, or both. Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose (sugar) to enter cells and be converted to energy. When diabetes is not controlled, glucose and fats remain in the blood and, over time, damage vital organs.
My mother has Diabetes. So, it is of particular interest to me. She was diagnosed after a flood in her dance kept her from her normal workout routine. We have done research and she has found many things that help her control the disease and limit the amount of medication she needs to take. Her favorites are a daily ritual: Cinnamon in her oatmeal and drinking Hibiscus tea.
Diabetes is a growing epidemic. 23.6 million people in the United States (7.8% of the total population) have diabetes. Of these, 5.7 million have undiagnosed diabetes. In 2007, about 1.6 million new cases of diabetes were diagnosed in people aged 20 years or older. African American, Hispanic, American Indian, and Alaska Native adults are twice as likely as white adults to have diabetes In 1999–2000, 7% of U.S. adolescents aged 12–19 years had impaired fasting glucose (prediabetes), putting them at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness, kidney failure, and nontraumatic lower-extremity amputations among adults. Diabetes was the sixth leading cause of death on U.S. death certificates in 2006. Overall, the risk for death among people with diabetes is about twice that of people without diabetes of similar age.
The information presented herein by ZAHARA'S GYPSY TEA is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.
The following ins some of the research on herbals and diabetes:
Aloe is useful when taken orally for diabetes. In a single-blind, placebo-controlled study those taking glibenclamide and aloe showed improvements in blood glucose levels over a six week period that compared to those taking glibenclamide and placebo. (Bunyapraphatsara et al 1996) ( (B 363)
Asian ginseng is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat diabetes. It has been shown to enhance the release of insulin from the pancreas and to increase the number of insulin receptors. It also has a direct blood sugar-lowering effect.
A recent study found that 200 mg of ginseng extract per day improved blood sugar control as well as energy levels in Type 2 diabetes (NIDDM).
It lowers the risk of diabetic complications such as diabetic cataracts and retinopathy.BLUEBERRY LEAF
Leave of the Blue berry are commonly used by the folk since many years, for the treatment of diabetes. It is most active ingrediant is myrtillin (an anthocyanoside). Its single dose produces beneficial effects lasting several weeks. Blueberry leaves also increases capillary integrity, inhibit free-radical damage and improve the tone of the vascular system. It can be also in the treatment of eye disease chiefly diabetic retinopathy.
Bitter melon may improve glucose control in type 2 diabetes. (Srivastava et al 1993)(B 399). In a systematic review by Yeh et al (2003) on herbs and dietary supplements for glycemic control in diabetes they concluded that other supplements with positive preliminary results include bitter melon (Momordica charantia).
Excessively high doses of bitter melon juice can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. Small children or anyone with hypoglycemia should not take bitter melon, since this herb could theoretically trigger or worsen low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. Furthermore, diabetics taking hypoglycemic drugs (such as chlorpropamide, glyburide, or phenformin) or insulin should use bitter melon with caution, as it may potentiate the effectiveness of the drugs, leading to severe hypoglycemia.
Research has shown that capsaicin cream is an effective and safe treatment for relief of the pain associated with diabetic neuropathy. (Tandan, 1992)(S)
Cinnamon has been used medicinally since ancient times. This popular spice was used in ancient Egypt, China, and India for culinary and medicinal purposes, and its use has also been documented in the Bible.
A study published in the journal Diabetes Care in 2003 looked at 60 men and women with Type 2 diabetes who were taking diabetes pills. The participants took either 1, 3, or 6 grams of cassia cinnamon or a placebo, in capsule form, for 40 days. After this time, blood glucose levels dropped between 18% and 29% in all three groups that received cinnamon. However, only the participants who had taken the smallest amount of cinnamon (1 gram) continued to have improved blood glucose levels 20 days after they stopped taking it, for reasons the researchers didn’t quite understand.
In the study, cinnamon also helped lower triglycerides (a blood lipid) and LDL (or “bad”) cholesterol evels. The benefits continued after 60 days, 20 days after participants had stopped taking cinnamon.
No significant changes in blood glucose or blood lipid levels occurred in the placebo group.
So, should you start shaking cinnamon on everything or start popping cinnamon capsules? First, keep in mind that this was a small study with only 60 subjects. Second, it was a short-term study, and the effects of taking cinnamon on a long-term basis aren’t known. Third, there’s no evidence that cinnamon helps people with Type 1 diabetes.
On the other hand, cinnamon is relatively safe. Keep in mind, though, that, some people may be allergic to cinnamon, and that cinnamon in large amounts may cause mouth sores or burn the skin. Also, as with any kind of supplement, it’s important to discuss its use with your health-care provider.
One gram of cinnamon, the lowest (and most effective) amount used in the study, is about ⅕ teaspoon. Three grams is about ½ teaspoon, and 6 grams is a little more than a teaspoon. If, after checking with your health-care provider, you want to see for yourself if cinnamon might help improve your blood glucose levels, start with the smallest dose (1 gram). Be sure to check your blood glucose levels often and keep good food and blood glucose records. Then, try sprinkling cinnamon on cereal and toast, or in your coffee, tea, or cocoa, spread out over the day. Another option is to take cassia cinnamon in capsule form, taking 500 milligrams twice daily. Just remember that cinnamon supplements, like all supplements, are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in terms of quality and effectiveness.
Experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated the antidiabetic properties of fenugreek seeds. The active ingredient responsible for the antidiabetic properties of fenugreek is in the defatted portion of the seed that contains the alkaloid trogonelline, nicotinic acid and coumarin.
Ginkgo biloba extract may prove useful for prevention and treatment of early stage diabetic neuropathy.
Gymnema assists the pancreas in the production of insulin in Type 2 diabetes. Gymnema also improves the ability of insulin to lower blood sugar in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. It decreases cravings for sweet. This herb can be an excellent substitute for oral blood sugar-lowering drugs in Type 2 diabetes. Some people take 500 mg per day of gymnema extract.
"Blood glucose and total lipid levels were determined in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats after oral administration of an ethanol flower extract of Hibiscus rosa sinensis. A comparable hypoglycemic effect was evidenced from the data obtained after 7 and 21 days of oral administration of the extract and glibenclamide," scientists writing in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology report.
"Maximal diminution in blood glucose (41-46%) and insulin level (14%) was noticed after 21 days," stated Archana Sachdewa and L. D. Khemani at the Dayalbagh Educational.
In March and April of 2009, researchers at two different universities in Taiwan set out to examine the impact of hibicus on these devastating diabetes-related effects. They not only found that the botanical suppressed AGE activity, but also increased the function of glutathione, a type of amino acid necessary for healthy cellular metabolism and immune response. In addition, the researchers found that hibiscus offered protection to vascular smooth muscle cells from oxidative stress. Nigerian researchers at the Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan experienced similar findings in a 2007 study. In fact, to quote the abstract published in Fundamental Clinical Pharmacology, “…Hibiscus sabdariffa could be useful in preventing the development of atherosclerosis and possible related cardiovascular pathologies associated with diabetes.”
In a systematic review by Yeh et al (2003) on herbs and dietary supplements for glycemic control in diabetes they concluded that the best evidence for efficacy is available for ivy gourd (Coccinia indica) and American ginseng.
Kino is used in many of the European pharmacopeas. The gum-resin looks like dried blood (Dragon's blood), much used in Indian medicine. This herb has a long history of use in India as a treatment for diabetes. The flavonoid, (-)-epicatechin, extracted from the bark of this plant has been shown to prevent alloxan-induced beta
Onion and garlic have significant blood sugar lowering action. The principal active ingredients are believed to be allyl propyl disulphide (APDS) and diallyl disulphide oxide (allicin), although other constitutents such as flavonoids may play a role as well.
Experimental and clinical evidence suggests that APDS lowers glucose levels by competing with insulin for insulin-inactivating sites in the liver. This results in an increase of free insulin. APDS administered in doses of 125 mg/ kg to fasting humans was found to cause a marked fall in blood glucose levels and an increase in serum insulin. Allicin doses of 100 mg/kg produced a similar effect.
Onion extract was found to reduce blood sugar levels during oral and intravenous glucose tolerance. The effect improved as the dosage was increased; however, beneficial effects were observed even for low levels that used in the diet (eg., 25 to 200 grams). The effects were similar in both raw and boiled onion extracts. Onions affect the hepatic metabolism of glucose and/or increases the release of insulin, and/or prevent insulin's destruction.
The additional benefit of the use of garlic and onions are their beneficial cardiovascular effects. They are found to lower lipid levels, inhibit platelet aggregation and are antihypertensive. So, liberal use of onion and garlic are recommended for diabetics.
Stevia has been used traditionally to treat diabetes. Early reports suggested that stevia might have beneficial effects on glucose tolerance (and therefore potentially help with diabetes), although not all reports have confirmed this. Even if stevia did not have direct antidiabetic effects, its use as a sweetener could reduce intake of sugars in such patients.
The ripe fruit of this cactus has been shown in some small studies to lower blood sugar levels. You may be able to find the fruit in your grocery store, but if not, look for it as a juice or powder at health food stores. Researchers speculate that the fruit may possibly lower blood sugar because it contains components that work similarly to insulin. The fruit is also high in fiber.
The ripe fruit of this cactus has been shown in some small studies to lower blood sugar levels. You may be able to find the fruit in your grocery store, but if not, look for it as a juice or powder at health food stores. Researchers speculate that the fruit may possibly lower blood sugar because it contains components that work similarly to insulin. The fruit is also high in fiber.
Herbs and foods can have different impact, on different individuals.
With any item for consumption, if you experience ill effects, discontinue the product and consult you doctor. If you are pregnant or nursing, herbal substances are not recommended. If you are taking any kind of medication, contact your doctor before using herb becuase of possible interaction.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Zahara's Gypsy Tea uses Gypsy Magic to mix together the knowledge of nature in unique relationships and creates amazing new combination. This tea is a general health tonic. Wildwood Flowers Eight Herb Tea, the blend is comprised of spearmint, rosemary, lemon balm, linden, eucalyptus, wood betony, blackberry leaf, and eleuthero root; the result is a mild green bath infusion that explodes with health benefits. A full body tonic, Wildwood Flowers Eight Herb Tea is also quite enjoyable, with its fresh clean aroma. For bath infusion, just place in muslin bags for a healing bath infusion. Ingredients: Spearmint, rosemary, lemon balm, linden, eucalyptus, wood betony, blackberry leaf, and eleuthero root. .
Below is the research I have gathered on these very powerful eight herbs:
The information presented herein by ZAHARA'S GYPSY TEA is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.
Mint is known to have originated in Asia and the Mediterranean region. In many cultures, mint symbolised hospitality and was offered as a sign of welcome and friendship to guests as they arrived. In the Middle East mint tea is still served to guests on their arrival, whilst in ancient Greece, the leaves of mint were rubbed onto the dining table, which was a sign of their warm greeting.
Mint was also often used as an air freshener and was placed in the rooms of houses, synagogues and temples to clear and freshen the air and rid the smell of unpleasant odors from the room. The Greeks and the Romans used mint as a perfume and a bath scent, as well as using it in medicine and in cooking.
Mint was so revered by the ancient Greeks that they named the plant after the mythical character Minthe. According to Greek myth, Minthe or Menthe as she is also known, was a river nymph. Hades, the God of the Underworld, fell in love with Minthe and wanted to make her his lover. However, Persephone, Hades's wife found out and in a fit of rage turned Minthe into a plant, so that everyone would walk all over her and trample her. Unable to undo the spell, Hades gave Minthe a wonderful aroma so that he could smell her and be near her when people trod on her.
Mint contains a number of vitamin and minerals, which are vital to maintain a healthy body. Mint is rich in Vitamins A and C and also contains smaller amounts of Vitamin B2. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant and may help to decrease the risk of certain cancers such as colon and rectal cancer. Although mint may be consumed in small quantities, the vital nutrients obtained are still beneficial to one's health.
Mint also contains a wide range of essential minerals such as manganese, copper, iron, potassium and calcium.
Mint has always been used medicinally to aid digestion and relieve indigestion. If you suffer from frequent indigestion, drinking a cup of peppermint tea after your meal will help.
The chemical compound menthol, which is obtained from peppermint oil, is well known for its healing properties on the chest and respiratory system.
Mint is also said and in many cases proven to relieve symptoms of indigestion, heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome by relaxing the muscles in and around the intestine. Mint acts as a powerful antioxident, protecting the body against the formation of cancerous cells, and inhibits the growth of many different types of bacteria and fungus. Mint can ease and unblock the breathing and respiratory passages and airways, and relieves the symptoms of colds and flu. Mint helps with nasal allergies, and relieve congestion, head colds and headaches. Mint acts as a mild sedative and has calming properties, giving relieve minor aches and pains such as muscle cramps and sprains. Mint is excellent to combat bad breath. Mint provides a cooling sensation to the skin and can help to treat minor burns, itching and skin irritations. Mint is an excellent blood cleanser. It may be one of the healthiest part of a Mediterranean diet that provideds great health benefits. Mint tea is an excellent remedy for acne.
Rosemary contains powerful antioxidants. In the days before refrigeration, meat was sometimes wrapped in rosemary leaves for flavoring as well as to keep it from going rancid. The antioxidants in rosemary may also offer some level of cancer protection. In one laboratory study, animals that were exposed to toxic chemicals but consumed rosemary developed cancer less frequently than those that did not.
Rosemary has been shown to help kill bacteria that cause infection, which supports its traditional use as an antiseptic treatment for wounds. In France during World War II nurses burned rosemary leaves together with juniper berries to keep the hospital germ-free, which is why the French sometimes refer to it as incensier. The scent of rosemary is also thought to help relieve congestion caused by allergies and respiratory infections.
Like two other culinary herbs, sage and thyme, rosemary contains phytochemicals that help guard against the depletion of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is crucial to proper brain function. Rosemary also protects the brain from oxidation and increases blood flow, two actions that may help prevent or slow the development of Alzheimer's. Better yet, the phytochemicals and antioxidants in rosemary can be absorbed topically through the skin as well-massaging with rosemary oil is beneficial to both physical and mental well-being.
Rosemary has a long history of use as a treatment for gastrointestinal disorders. It helps relax muscle spasms in the digestive tract, and is approved by Commission E for treatment of indigestion. However, studies performed in Italy have shown that rosemary can actually cause cramping in the uterus, and may help stimulate menstruation-pregnant women should avoid anything but culinary use of this herb. Massaging with rosemary oil has also been shown to ease muscle spasms and improve circulation-rosemary may be as effective as horse chestnut for treating circulatory disorders such as venous insufficiency. In fact, rosemary's prowess as a muscle and circulatory rejuvenator is literally legend-an 11th century hermit was said to have cured the Queen of Hungary from paralysis by rubbing her limbs with a strong rosemary wine.
Rosemary, also known as rosemarine, has a long tradition of culinary and medicinal use. Today, Rosemary is still a popular herb for seasoning meats, and modern herbalists recommend it for treatment of depression, indigestion, headache, muscle aches, and bad breath.
Lemon Balmwas dedicated to the goddess Diana, and used medicinally by the Greeks some 2,000 years ago. In the Middles Ages lemon balm was used to soothe tension, to dress wounds, and as a cure for toothache, skin eruptions, mad dog bites, crooked necks, and sickness during pregnancy. It was even said to prevent baldness. As a medicinal plant, lemon balm has traditionally been employed against bronchial inflammation, earache, fever, flatulence, headaches, high blood pressure, influenza, mood disorders, palpitations, toothache and vomiting. A tea made from Lemon balm leaves is said to soothe menstrual cramps and helps relieve PMS.
The herb is used for nervous agitation, sleeping problems, functional gastrointestinal complaints, menstrual cramps and urinary spasms. It is thought that the volatile oils in lemon balm contain chemicals that relax muscles, particularly in the bladder, stomach, and uterus, thereby relieving cramps, gas, and nausea. ESCOP (European Scientific Cooperative On Phytotherapy) lists its internal use for tenseness, restlessness, irritability, and symptomatic treatment of digestive disorders, such as minor spasms; externally, for herpes labialis (ESCOP, 1997). Lemon balm is widely used to treat anxiety and insomnia in Europe. It reduces anxiety and stress and eases sleep disorders. Recently it produced an unexpected result in a research study: it greatly increased the ability to concentrate and perform word and picture tasks. Research has shown that the plant contains polyphenols, it can help significantly in the treatment of cold sores and combat the herpes simplex virus, shingles as well as other viral afflictions. Studies have shown a significant reduction in the duration and severity of herpes. Researchers also noted a "tremendous reduction" in the frequency of recurrence. In one study on 115 patients, a proprietary preparation of lemon balm extract in a lip balm showed efficacy in treating lip sores associated with the herpes simplex virus (Wöbling and Leonhardt, 1994). Lemon balm is used in Europe for treating thyroid problems and has shown an ability to regulate thyroid hormone production. This ability, along with the herbs anti-viral characteristics have made the herb useful in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Lemon balm contains volatile (essential) oils ,including citronellal and citrals A and B, which are known to have sedative properties. In both animal and human studies, lemon balm taken by mouth has had calming effects. In larger doses, it may promote sleep. In one study, researchers found that using lemon balm also improved memory and lengthened attention span in individuals suffering from Alzheimer's disease. This effect may be due to its content of antioxidants, which are thought to protect body cells from damage caused by a chemical process called oxidation. Another small but interesting study used lemon balm, aromatherapeutically to calm overexcited individuals suffering from dementia. Dementia is an increasing deficiency in thought processes caused by brain damage such as from a stroke or disease such as Alzheimer's disease. |
Linden has been used in European folk medicine for centuries for a wide range of health conditions. Today Linden is used by some cultures in connection with anxiety. Some trials have produced results indicating that linden flower tea can help people with mild gallbladder problems, upset stomach or dyspepsia, and excessive gas causing the stomach to press against the bottom of the heart (also known as the gastrocardiac syndrome).
When taken as a hot tea, linden flowers act as a diaphoretic. Diaphoretics induce a mild fever, thereby possibly helping to increase the immune system's ability to fight infections. The fever usually does not go very high because the diaphoretic also causes sweating, which in turn cause the body to cool off. In a few European countries, linden has received approval for the treatment of colds and cold-related coughs.
Linden is used in connection with specific conditions and symptoms: Flowers are used for colds, cough, bronchitis, infectious diseases, and headache (particularly migraine), and as a diuretic (increases urine production), antispasmodic (reduces spasm), and sedative Leaves are used for internal use-intestinal complaints; external use-ulcers in the leg. Linden Wood is used liver and gallbladder disorders, cellulitis (inflammation of the body's connective tissue).
Few trees in the world are as fast-growing and aromatic as the eucalyptus tree. Native to Australia and used by the Aborigines to reduce fevers, control coughs and relieve arthritis and skin sores, the eucalyptus made its first appearance in Europe in the nineteenth century.
Eucalyptus contains essential oil, which up to 80 percent of eucalyptol eucalyptus is antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal and antipasmodic.Drinking eucalyptus tea has been found beneficial for sore throats, colds and flu. . div>
Eleuthero is also useful in improving the athlete’s performance by increasing the muscle strength and stamina. Research has shown that it improves the use of oxygen by exercising muscles so that the person is able to maintain oxygen dependent exercise and recover more quickly.
The eucalyptus tree is grown in the tropical and temperate regions of the world today. Eucalyptus is primarily values for its leaves, which are used to make an essential oil, eucalyptus tea and compresses.This herbal tea works in much the same way, since the cineol found in the leaves and oil is both an expectorant and decongestant. Thus, the eucalyptus tea is effective in treating nasal stuffiness caused by a cold or flu and bronchitis.
Wood Betony was once one of the most revered of herbal medicines... there was indeed a common saying that one had "as many virtues as Betony" and Colonial herbalist John Sauer wrote that "there is no illness brought on by cold in which Betony cannot be administered effectively." Today, however, it is generally an obscurity, used by few and seldom available to the general public by way of health food stores. This is a great tragedy, for it has been found it to be one of the most useful herbs available in addressing a number of common but pernicious maladies. Its material properties of astringency and mild bitterness have long made it a valued wound and digestive remedy, but paramount among its virtues is its unique efficacy in treating tension, pain and disorganization centered in the head and mind (which is to say both the physical and energetic).
Betony is excellent for headaches of all sorts (tension and migraine alike), and beyond that have seen it to act in a decidedly restorative manner.
Betony also acts as a tonic for the digestive tract, and is believed to strengthen the solar plexus, a topic covered very nicely by Matthew Wood in his book of Herbal Wisdom. The solar plexus is believed to house a person's instincts and intuitive faculties; this is why we have expressions like "gut feelings" and "trust your gut". By freeing energy trapped in the head and strengthening the solar plexus, Wood Betony will be of aid to people who ignore their gut feelings and try to intellectualize and rationalize all that goes on around them. We might imagine the person who meets someone and intuitively gets a "bad feeling" from them, but then chides themselves for being "judgmental" and then ends of in some baleful relationship replete with all the qualities foreboded by their initial impression. Betony has also been noted to help with PTSD.
Betony is warming, astringent and has been used to improve digestion by strengthening and restoring tone to digestive tissues. It has likewise been used to strengthen the tissues of the urinary tract, and this astringency also explains its long history of use as a "woundwort", being used to staunch bleeding both internal and external. It has been historically poulticed over injuries of all sorts, and deemed specific to concussion, stroke and facial neuralgia (there are, as well, formulas specifically for head injuries that have left the brain exposed). It is a nervine tonic, nourishing and building the vital energy with regular use. It is a warming and drying expectorant, good for damp coughs brought on my cold. Though I have not seen it often attributed as a diaphoretic, as a mint this action would not be surprising. Really, the plant has traditionally been recognized as a panacea - improving any condition to which it is administered.
Blackberry is considered to be the goddess herb, which belongs to the planetary sphere of Venus. By this fact some explain the beneficial effect Blackberry leaf has on the human body. Its benefits are first and foremost are associated with diarrhea and dysentery treatment. However, the application of Blackberry leaf is not limited by that. Health practitioners have reported successfully using the herb to treat anemia and regulates menses.
Since ancient times, the leaves of the blackberry plant have been used curatively, especially throughout Europe and Asia. For example, two thousand years ago, the roman army doctor Galenos had his soldiers chew blackberry leaves to strengthen gums and build up physical resistance; today, we know it was the vitamin C and tannins in the leaves that he was counting on to boost immunity and heal wounds. Blackberry leaves have high levels of tannins and vitamin C, and they are made into a tea that has proved beneficial as a remedy for diarrhea, a gargle for throat inflammations and a compress for wounds and rashes. The tea also helps regulate both heavy and light menstrual flow and is a gastrointestinal soother. Blackberry leaf has long been reputed as a powerful astringent agent, employed for the purpose of treating children suffering from cholera, as well as of counteracting relaxed condition of the intestines, extravasations from the stomach and intestines.
Eleuthero or Siberian ginseng is the root or stem of shrub that belongs to the ginseng family. It is commonly known as touch-me-not and devil’s shrub. This herb is grown in the Northern China, Eastern Russia, Japan and Korea. Commonly its root and underground stem (rhizomes) are used in the medicines. This herb is medicinally used to enhance the immune system and its responses as well as increasing the stamina. It is thought to facilitate memory and concentration. It is helpful in relieving the fatigue and the reducing ability to work. Eleuthero also shows its activity in stressful situation and helpful for those suffering from stress. It is traditional Chinese medicine used as a remedy for the insomnia.
2,000 years ago, the Chinese used Eleuthero as a toner for stimulating the energy production. From the early 1950s research in Russia, the Chinese derives the use of Eleuthero. The Chinese used this herb as a medicine to regulate the body functions, restore strength/energy, and improve appetite and maintaining the health. It was also used by Chinese to protect from respiratory tract infections, cold and flu. The people of Siberian Taiga region in Russia was used this herb to enhance the quality and performance of life and to reduce the rate of infections. In the more modern days, eleuthero has been used to enhance the stamina in athletes.
Russian researcher I. I. Brekhman has explained that Eleuthero acts as an adaptogen (an agent that helps the body adapt to stress) which reduces the frequency of functional disorders in organisms. It has unspecified action to regulate the body functions what ever the conditions are.
Early 1950s studies indicated that extract of eleuthero enhances the mental attentiveness, work output as well as quality of work during the stressful situations. It is also shown to improve the athlete’s performance. Besides these, it is strongly stimulating the immune system.
German authorities believed that Eleuthero is a stimulating tonic for the fatigue, reduced working performance and in the lack of concentration.
Early 1950s studies indicated that extract of eleuthero enhances the mental attentiveness, work output as well as quality of work during the stressful situations. It is also shown to improve the athlete’s performance. Besides these, it is strongly stimulating the immune system.
German authorities believed that Eleuthero is a stimulating tonic for the fatigue, reduced working performance and in the lack of concentration.
Eleuthero has been traditionally used to support the immune system. It is thought to enhance the immune response by stimulating the production of T- cells (special types of white blood cell that kills the foreign diseased particles). Certain studies also shown, that tincture of eleuthero can improve the function of immune system by increasing the number of T-lymphocytes. These cells are reduced during the autoimmune disorders such as AIDS and HIV infections.
Eleuthero can act as an adaptogen which has the ability to adapt the body during stressful conditions. It performs this action by supporting the adrenal gland function that helps the body to cope with stress through the release of certain hormones.
The stress reduction ability of Eleuthero is also helpful in the treatments of mental problem such as depression. Some researches have shown that it improves memory and concentration by maintaining the balance levels of mood determining brain chemicals.
When a 3 month study on this herb is performed, indicated that it can improve the concentration and memory of middle aged people.
When a 3 month study on this herb is performed, indicated that it can improve the concentration and memory of middle aged people.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
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It’s too easy in life to forget that in order to find love you need to love yourself first! In response to that, Love Potion # 9 presents a blend of traditional herbs used for the internal cleansing and rejuvenation and love of your body, mind and spirit. Sweetened with licorice and yerba santa, this tea combines dandelion root, yellow dock, nettles, and rosemary into a pale green infusion that is loaded with love and goodness!
Ingredients - Licorice, yerba santa, dandelion root, yellow dock, nettles, and rosemary.
Some people spend so much of our time waiting to be loved, hoping love will find them, searching, yearning for that special love. Feeling empty and lost without it. Wanting someone to give them love and fill them up. Unfortunately, that’s not usually how life works. You will draw to you exactly what you create in life, and what you believe you are worthy of. I f you think you must have someone to complete you you become the vampire that sucks all the life out of those around you. So loving yourself can create love in your life, a love you can eventually learn to share with others. When you expect love from an external source, and someone or something does not fulfill your void and fantasy's, then you will feel worse than before. This starts the rounds of love and sex addiction. You are only happy when you have a host.
If you rely on your significant other to bring you happiness then eventually this will catch up with you and damage your relationship. For a while you may feel happy in a new relationship, but it is just projection. You only see what you want to see and not the real person. This kind of love is deaf, dumb, blind and retarded. For the first year you don't even know his feet stink! Often times when the newness of a relationship wears off and one person doesn’t love who they are, it is the reason the relationship sours. It is fine for your partner to add happiness to your life, but individually you need to be happy and love yourself with or without that person.
How doe you love and care for yourself?
1.) Start with you diet. Garbage in Garbage out. Hippocrates said "Let they food be they medicine and your medicine be they food." I f your food has no nourishment, how can you feel vibrant and alive? Eat whole foods and herbs and avoid processed food. Many times what you find on the shelf in the Supermarket has more nourishment in the card board than the contents. (I kid you not.) Some people complain about the cost of good food, I say the cost of you health is higher.
2.) Exercise. This doesn't me you have to go to the gym and pump iron. But you do have to get up and more around. sitting in front of the lobotomy box or the laptop exposes you to radiation. You need to move and you need to see sunshine. You have to get at least a 1/2 hour of light for you body to process vitamin D and make hormones properly. Gypsy say dance is the best exercise because is moves the body and the spirit.
3.) Breathe. Year of working as a massage therapist has taught me how many people forget to breathe. Shallow breath causes carbon monoxide to build up. It eventually has to work it's way out, and it come out through the shoulder blades. Take two minutes a couple times a day for cleansing breath work.
4 .) Learn to relax. Turn on soothing music and light candles, dim the lights, and burn incense even when you are alone. The most sooth way to unwind it use the magic of Lemon gran and sage. Native Americans have long know the powers of these herbs to calm the spirit.
5.) Laugh. Norman Cousins check out of the hospital and into a hotel to watch Laugh In. He was cured naturally. We release powerful chemicals when we laugh that can heal the body. In Buddhism there are ceromies when all they do is laugh. Laughter is very good for the soul.
6.) Change jobs. Since this is where most people spent most of the waking hours, this is an important issue. I you are not happy it will eventually cost you your health. This puritan believes about hard work and struggle, don't ring true for today's workforce. Figure out what you would like to do and just do it. Those great benefits won't benefit you when your in the ground.
7.) Stop comparing. Comparing and competing with others is not being true to your self. So, your sister go a big house. But you hate yard work, figure out what life style works best for you. Your neighbor may have a new car, but you may may not love making the payments the payments.
8.) Use positive affirmations. Talk to your self like you are the most wonderful person int he world. Because you are. If you are not the center of your life, you don't have one. You wouldn't let other talk to you in a negative manner, so don't do it to yourself.
When you take care of yourself and love yourself you will radiate that love. Like attracts like and when you like and loves yourself others will to.
The information presented herein by ZAHARA'S GYPSY TEA is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider
The information presented herein by ZAHARA'S GYPSY TEA is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider
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